



Spanish economic forecasts: 2024-2025

The Spanish economy is expected to grow by 2.5% in 2024 and another solid 1.8% next year, continuing to outpace the European average by a considerable margin. The favourable external competitiveness position is a key factor behind this performance; nonetheless, corporate and housing investment continue to lag pre-pandemic levels, undermining potential output, while the high structural public deficit increases vulnerability to geopolitical and financial risks.


Previsiones económicas para España, 2024-2025

Este artículo realiza un análisis de las previsiones de crecimiento de la
economía española para 2024 y 2025.


Diferencias provinciales en la evolución del índice de precios al consumo

Este trabajo estudia las diferencias en la evolución regional de los precios en España utilizando datos desagregados tanto en el espacio, por provincias, como en el tiempo, por periodos.


EU trade and investment in the midst of re-globalisation

An analysis of EU trade and foreign direct investment flows reveals a relative decline in the EU’s competitive position, notably with respect to the US and China, with the EU now a major net exporter of capital to invest in companies located in other countries. Greater participation by member states in the single market has played a mitigating role but is insufficient to offset the broader weakness unless supported with strategies for revitalising investments within the bloc.


Think tank dedicado a la investigación económica y social

C/ Caballero de Gracia, 28 | 28013 Madrid, España
+34 91 596 57 18 |
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