



The Draghi report and the Spanish economy

Mario Draghi’s report identifies integration as key to addressing Europe’s structural challenges, focusing on, first, the need to rollout a common economic policy and, second, the completion of the EU Single Market. For Spain, the latter measures would be the most effective in unlocking investment, though their success hinges on overcoming fragmentation risks amid rising protectionism.


El Informe Draghi y la economía española

Este artículo examina la relevancia del informe Draghi para la economía española, partiendo de la singularidad de su situación con respecto al resto de Europa.


Outlook for Spain’s economy and public finances: 2024-2025

The Spanish economy continues to grow faster than the European average, with growth projections revised upwards for 2024 and 2025 to 3% and 2.1%, respectively. However, fiscal slippage relative to official targets is expected in 2025, requiring the government to introduce approximately 8 billion euros in budget savings to align with official targets – allowing for sustained short-term growth, while increasing confidence and providing space for discretionary spending in the event of future shocks.


Regional financing reforms and the Catalan agreement

The recent fiscal agreement reached with Catalonia seeks to increase the region’s fiscal autonomy, bringing with it the potential to reshape Spain’s autonomous financing framework. Nevertheless, while implementation faces challenges, it underscores the need for comprehensive debate on the future of Spain’s interregional equity and fiscal stability.


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