The objective of this research unit is to disseminate the analysis and knowledge of the investigations carried out in different movements of the economy, which encompasses different thematic areas: Public economy; Markets, regulation and competition; OFEI; Sector studies; Energy and environment; Health economics and policies; Macroeconomics and International Trade and Economy.
Corporate access to bank loans: Assessing the impact of company and loan size
February 2025
Spanish companies enjoy lower bank borrowing costs than their Eurozone peers, with neither the size of the loan nor the company significantly impacting costs. While micro firms face slightly more obstacles in obtaining loans, the size penalty is far less significant in Spain, making access to finance a relatively minor concern across all business sizes.
Weakness in overall construction sector profitability: Low productivity exacerbated by labour shortages
February 2025
The construction sector in Spain has shown resilience but continues to grapple with low productivity and labour shortages. Addressing these challenges is critical for maintaining profitability and meeting housing demand.
Trump, trade, and investment
February 2025
The second administration of U.S. President Donald Trump began with a promise to use tariffs and other trade instruments to strengthen America’s economic performance and rebalance its relations with the outside world. The question is whether the European Union can use this challenge to meet its own economic objectives.
La accesibilidad de las empresas al préstamo bancario: ¿cuánto importa el tamaño?
January 2025
Este artículo analiza las condiciones en el acceso a la financiación bancaria de las empresas españolas, mostrando las diferencias que hay por tamaño y con la eurozona.