In Social Key

In Social Key

In Social Key is a Funcas initiative that aims to give visibility to the problems of society, always with an informative nature and through documentaries, conferences, seminars and / or debates, where issues of social and cultural relevance will be addressed.
In Social Key allows increases visibility of the work carried out by social works and foundations in the different topics that are being treated: cancer, autism, hyperactivity, volunteering, school failure, etc.
In addition, in this section, visibility is given to all of these topics and those projects that each entity wishes to publicize are sponsored.



EXIT, abandono escolar

El abandono temprano de la educación afecta a miles de jóvenes en España, donde uno de cada siete solo ha completado la educación obligatoria



LIKE / DISLIKE es un documental imprescindible para adolescentes, pero sobre todo para sus padres y educado- res: una ventana abierta de optimismo donde podrán descubrir cómo guiar a niños y adolescentes en las buenas prácticas del uso de internet.



Ahora existen empleos que eran impensables hace solo 15 años y mañana surgirán nuevas profesiones que aún no concebimos. Un futuro que ya está aquí.

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Think tank dedicated to economic and social research

C/ Caballero de Gracia, 28 | 28013 Madrid, Spain
+34 91 596 57 18 |
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