Employment and labour force

Las personas con discapacidad en España: actividad, empleo y calidad de vida
November 2024
Spain’s gender pay gap: Convergence faces upcoming challenges
November 2024
Over the last two decades, Spain’s gender pay gap has narrowed significantly, from 29% in 2002 to 17% in 2022. However, recent stagnation in convergence is prompting a debate about the policies that need to be adopted for continued progress in the years to come.
Artificial Intelligence and Human Capital: Are Complementarities at Risk?
November 2024
In this article, facing the context of a new technological environment determined by the advances in Robotics and Artificial Intelligence, we discuss: i) what are their main characteristics that may change the skill-bias observed in previous technological changes, ii) what are so far the occupations more exposed to the new technological advances brought up by Robotics and Artificial Intelligence, and iii) what kind of investment in educational is needed to fully exploit the complementarities between new technologies and human labor.