Financial Sector & Digitalization

Financial Sector & Digitalization

The Financial and Digitization Area monitors the situation of the financial system, with special attention to the banking sector and groups of savings banks, and its digital transformation.

In this area, research of international diffusion in the financial system is carried out, developed by the researchers that form it and also through collaborations of the same with other world-renowned researchers. Among the topics that are most developed are financial and banking regulation and its effects, the competitive structure of the banking sector, the means of payment for business financing and the role of finance in economic growth.

The digital transformation of the Spanish financial system is analyzed through the Observatorio de la Digitalización Financiera (ODF). The objective of this Observatory is to generate, accumulate and disseminate information on the progress of the digital transformation in the Spanish financial system.



Monetary policy changes: Scale and implications

The ECB’s recent rate cut contrasts with the Fed’s recent decision to leave its target rate range unchanged, reflecting the divergent attitudes of the main central banks to inflation, with potential implications for the global economy. Going forward, clear central bank communication remains key to mitigating market volatility and strengthening economic stability in an increasingly complex environment.


Bank margins: Price, volume and composition effects - Spain in a European context

Two years since the start of the rate hiking cycle, various factors have shaped the trend in margins, with some clearly positive while others less favourable, raising doubts over the sustainability of current margins. A disaggregation of the rate, volume and funding reconfiguration effects helps to explain the incremental growth in the Spanish banks’ net interest margin relative to their European counterparts.


Gender diversity on corporate boards: Enhancing sustainability outcomes for Spain’s IBEX 35 companies

Institutional changes, such as quotas and evolving social norms, which have promoted gender diversity in boardrooms and at the corporate executive level, are believed to have positively impacted ESG outcomes within firms. Empirical evidence shows that woman directors seem more influential on sustainability issues, while women executives have a stronger impact on gender agendas; nevertheless, preliminary analysis shows that the impact of both groups on these respective areas appears to be limited.
positively impacted ESG outcomes within firms. Empirical evidence shows that woman directors seem more influential on sustainability issues, while women executives have a stronger impact on gender agendas; nevertheless, preliminary analysis shows that the impact of both groups on these respective agendas appears to be limited.


Spain’s insurance business in 2023 and outlook for 2024

After a strong performance in 2023 under a high interest rate scenario, a softer than expected economic landing, coupled with the containment of inflationary pressures, paving the way for a period of rate cuts, foreshadow a new scenario for the Spanish insurance business in the quarters to come. Nevertheless, under the new scenario, insurance sector conditions and prospects remain largely bright, allowing for a robust outlook and the continued sizeable contribution to banks’ profits.


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