Spanish economic forecasts: 2024-2025

Spanish economic forecasts: 2024-2025

Spanish economy

Fecha: julio 2024

Raymond Torres, María Jesús Fernández and Fernando Gómez Díaz

SEFO, Spanish and International Economic & Financial Outlook, V. 13 N.º4 (July 2024)

The Spanish economy continues to post healthy growth, outpacing the European average by a considerable margin. We are forecasting GDP growth of 2.5% this year and of 1.8% in 2025, buoyed by the external surplus, private sector deleveraging and, to a lesser degree, the NGEU funds. As a result, we are expecting the creation of 730,000 net new jobs over the next two years, which will nevertheless leave unemployment in the double digits. As for inflation, we are forecasting CPI of 3.3% in 2024, just 0.2pp below the 2023 figure. This inertia, which is typical of inflationary episodes, reflects the reversal of VAT and excise duty cuts on energy products (introduced in the wake of the invasion of Ukraine), wage agreements for restoring purchasing power and weak productivity trends. Disinflation should become more tangible in 2025, although we are still forecasting CPI above the ECB’s target of 2%, in both Spain and the rest of the Eurozone. Despite recent economic successes, corporate investment and investment in housing continue to lag pre-pandemic levels, undermining potential output. Lastly, the persistence of such a high structural public deficit leaves the Spanish economy vulnerable to geopolitical and financial risks.

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