The Draghi report and the Spanish economy
February 2025
Mario Draghi’s report identifies integration as key to addressing Europe’s structural challenges, focusing on, first, the need to rollout a common economic policy and, second, the completion of the EU Single Market. For Spain, the latter measures would be the most effective in unlocking investment, though their success hinges on overcoming fragmentation risks amid rising protectionism.
Can the Draghi report save Europe?
February 2025
The Draghi report provides a transformative blueprint for Europe’s future, emphasizing strategic investments, industrial policy, and governance reforms to boost productivity and competitiveness. However, its ambitious proposals face significant challenges, including political fragmentation, limited fiscal capacity, and resistance to deeper integration, underscoring the need for prioritization of more viable reforms.
Trump, trade, and investment
February 2025
The second administration of U.S. President Donald Trump began with a promise to use tariffs and other trade instruments to strengthen America’s economic performance and rebalance its relations with the outside world. The question is whether the European Union can use this challenge to meet its own economic objectives.
Reciente evolución del negocio de bancaseguro en España
January 2025
Este artículo ofrece un análisis exhaustivo del papel de la banca en el sector asegurador, destacando cómo ha consolidado su posición dominante en el ramo de vida gracias a su capilaridad y enfoque estratégico.
Debilidad en el rendimiento agregado de las empresas constructoras: a la baja productividad se une la falta de capital humano
January 2025
Este artículo analiza los problemas estructurales del sector de la construcción en España.