Díez Guijarro, José Ramón


Global economy: Resilience in the midst of the storm

Although the global economy has demonstrated significant resilience in recent quarters, key risks related to geopolitical tensions, financial stability and policy mismatches remain, clouding the economic outlook for the medium-term. In the transition to the new normal, the hope is that the global economy will outperform currently lackluster previsions.

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Economía mundial: resiliencia en medio de la tormenta

En este artículo se destaca que cuatro años después del inicio de
la pandemia, la economía global continúa ajustando los desequilibrios de oferta y demanda acumulados,
destacando un proceso inflacionario inesperado desde el primer semestre de 2021.

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Central banks: Between a rock and a hard place?

Financial turbulence has been easing in recent weeks, reflecting the idiosyncratic nature of the Silicon Valley Bank (SVB) and Credit Suisse (CS) failures and the adequacy of the responses by the affected central banks, although some risks remain. Central banks will face an increasingly challenging context as they seek to restore price stability, while minimising outbreaks of financial stress.

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