Papeles de Economía Española

Papeles de Economía Española

Quarterly magazine that has been published since 1979. It analyzes relevant and current economic issues based on theoretical approaches but, essentially, on empirical tests with a special interest in the implications of economic policy. Its theoretical rigor is not an obstacle to making it accessible to the wide range of social agents participating in the political debate.
The articles published in this magazine are registered in the EconLit Database of the American Economic Association, editor of the Journal of Economic Literature, Latindex and Proquest. Likewise, Papeles de Economía Española is indexed in the IN-RECS index of Spanish scientific journals.


Retos pendientes del sector público español

Fecha: 2024
Papeles de Economía Española, N.º 182 (2024)

Resúmenes ejecutivos

Inversión extranjera y multinacionales en España

Fecha: 2024
Papeles de Economía Española, N.º 181 (2024)

Resúmenes ejecutivos

Desafíos y oportunidades para el futuro de la educación superior

Fecha: 2024
Papeles de Economía Española, N.º 180 (2024)

Resúmenes ejecutivos

Retos económicos en alimentación: la sostenibilidad, los precios y la innovación

Fecha: 2024
Papeles de Economía Española, N.º 179 (2024)

Resúmenes ejecutivos

Funcas' intense editorial activity is materialized in the edition of different types of documents in the field of economics, finance and sociology: magazines, books, working documents and reports and technical notes. In order to preserve the environment and in order to & nbsp; our investigations and their works have a greater diffusion and impact, from the year 2000, Funcas & nbsp; decided to limit the paper edition by establishing free online access to its publications (except for co-editions and specific collaborations) .

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Think tank dedicated to economic and social research

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