Panorama Social

Panorama Social

Semi-annual magazine of a monographic nature, each of whose numbers consists of articles prepared by social scientists that address issues of social debate from different analytical perspectives.


Digitalización e inteligencia artificial: oportunidades y desafíos sociales

Fecha: 2024
Panorama Social, N.º39 (junio 2024)

La crisis de salud mental: más allá de las estadísticas

Fecha: 2024
Panorama Social, N.º38 (diciembre 2023)

Economía y sociedad

Fecha: 2022
Panorama Social, N.º37 (junio 2023)

Energía y sociedad: perspectivas sobre la transición energética en tiempo de crisis

Fecha: 2022
Panorama Social, N.º36 (diciembre 2022)

Funcas' intense editorial activity is materialized in the edition of different types of documents in the field of economics, finance and sociology: magazines, books, working documents and reports and technical notes. In order to preserve the environment and in order to & nbsp; our investigations and their works have a greater diffusion and impact, from the year 2000, Funcas & nbsp; decided to limit the paper edition by establishing free online access to its publications (except for co-editions and specific collaborations) .

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Think tank dedicated to economic and social research

C/ Caballero de Gracia, 28 | 28013 Madrid, Spain
+34 91 596 57 18 |
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