Gómez Díaz, Fernando


Outlook for the Spanish economy in 2024-2025: Navigating an uncertain international backdrop

Compared to its European peers, the Spanish economy has weathered the inflationary storm and geopolitical tensions of recent years relatively well, buoyed by its strong competitive positioning. In the near-term, however, a slowdown is anticipated in light of the weak external environment and contractionary turn in macroeconomic policy, with fiscal dynamics remaining a key vulnerability.

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Spain’s economic and fiscal outlook

GDP growth is expected to slow to 1.5% in 2024, down 0.9% from this year, although still significantly above the EU average, with inflation also expected to moderate further.
Spain’s key source of vulnerability remains its fiscal imbalance at a time when sovereign borrowing costs are rising sharply, highlighting the need for growth-friendly fiscal consolidation.

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Perspectivas económicas y fiscales para España

La previsión de crecimiento del PIB en 2023 en España se eleva al 2,4 %, dos décimas más que en la anterior previsión, gracias al impulso de la primera parte del año. El crecimiento procederá sobre todo de la demanda interna, destacando el repunte del consumo tanto público como privado.

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Think tank dedicado a la investigación económica y social

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