Gómez Díaz, Fernando


Spanish economic forecasts: 2024-2025

The Spanish economy is expected to grow by 2.5% in 2024 and another solid 1.8% next year, continuing to outpace the European average by a considerable margin. The favourable external competitiveness position is a key factor behind this performance; nonetheless, corporate and housing investment continue to lag pre-pandemic levels, undermining potential output, while the high structural public deficit increases vulnerability to geopolitical and financial risks.

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Outlook for the Spanish economy in 2024-2025: Navigating an uncertain international backdrop

Compared to its European peers, the Spanish economy has weathered the inflationary storm and geopolitical tensions of recent years relatively well, buoyed by its strong competitive positioning. In the near-term, however, a slowdown is anticipated in light of the weak external environment and contractionary turn in macroeconomic policy, with fiscal dynamics remaining a key vulnerability.

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