


AI in banking through the eyes of the consumer

Digitalisation and artificial intelligence (AI) are redefining the relationship between customers and their banks by enhancing personalization, security, and efficiency; but not without risks. Striking a balance between innovation and trust, highlighting the role of transparency, ethical data management and human interaction, will be keys to its successful integration.


Inteligencia artificial en banca: la visión del cliente

Este artículo examina cómo la digitalización ha transformado las expectativas de los usuarios, creando tanto oportunidades como retos para las entidades financieras.


Financial education and how to improve it

Financial education is evolving rapidly in the context of digitalization and economic transformation, yet Spain still faces inequalities in the implementation and quality of financial education programs. A thorough assessment, including the use of long-term studies and monitoring systems, is essential to ensure initiatives to improve financial education achieve their objectives and reduce social and economic inequalities.


Educación financiera: algunas vías de mejora

Este artículo analiza los desafíos y propuestas para mejorar la educación financiera en España en un contexto de rápida digitalización y cambios económicos.


Think tank dedicated to economic and social research

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+34 91 596 57 18 |
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