Financial education and how to improve it
October 2024
Financial education is evolving rapidly in the context of digitalization and economic transformation, yet Spain still faces inequalities in the implementation and quality of financial education programs. A thorough assessment, including the use of long-term studies and monitoring systems, is essential to ensure initiatives to improve financial education achieve their objectives and reduce social and economic inequalities.
Educación financiera: algunas vías de mejora
September 2024
Este artículo analiza los desafíos y propuestas para mejorar la educación financiera en España en un contexto de rápida digitalización y cambios económicos.
Challenges for Spanish banks: 50 years after deregulation
June 2024
Since its deregulation 50 years ago, the Spanish banking sector has been shaped by significant structural transformation as a result of the need to adapt to an ever-changing environment, to which it has demonstrated resilience and flexibility. On top of profitability pressures, the management of risks under the growing regulatory push to increase solvency, on the one hand, and technological challenges, on the other, remain the most important issues facing the Spanish banks in the years to come.
Retos de la banca española cincuenta años después de la liberalización
May 2024
Este artículo ofrece un análisis general de la evolución estructural y de la rentabilidad del sector bancario español desde el inicio del proceso de liberalización hace cincuenta años.