Carbó Valverde, Santiago


Rising interest rates: Initial effects on credit

Rising interest rates are rapidly translating into a considerable increase in borrowing costs, putting a strain on households and companies, which had grown accustomed to exceptionally lax financial conditions. In parallel, the increase in rates is already materializing in the form of some retrenchment in lending in Spain, particularly in the mortgage segment.

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Tipos de interés al alza: efectos iniciales sobre el crédito

La elevación de los tipos de interés está imponiendo un aumento considerable de los costes de financiación en un espacio reducido de tiempo. Hogares y empresas afrontan con dificultad esta situación no solo porque supone un endurecimiento de las condiciones financieras, sino porque se produce tras un período muy prolongado de excepcionalidad financiera e inflacionaria.

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Spanish banks ahead of the return to positive interest rates

Now that interest rates are finally back in positive territory, banks have the opportunity to advance on the challenge of increasing profitability. However, prevailing macroeconomic conditions of uncertainty and pessimism, together with risks, both those carried over from the previous financial crisis and emergent ones, mean that translating rate increases into commensurate growth in banks’ earnings may not be so straight forward a task.

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Think tank dedicado a la investigación económica y social

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+34 91 596 57 18 |