Carbó Valverde, Santiago


The financial risks posed by inflation

Rapid monetary tightening in response to persistent inflation carries serious risks for business and consumer borrowers. A higher-than-expected increase in borrowing costs would have significant knock-on effects for private sector financing with the property and mortgage markets particularly exposed following a period of robust growth, albeit the impact in Spain is expected to be moderate.

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Los riesgos financieros de la inflación

La política monetaria ha adoptado decisiones de gran trascendencia, tratando de hacer frente a una inflación muy elevada y con importantes componentes estructurales. Los bancos centrales aparecen una vez más como la solución, pero ellos mismos reconocen que, si continúan los efectos exógenos por el lado de la oferta, la inflación no podrá frenarse fácilmente.

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Financial digitalisation in Spain in the wake of the pandemic: Assessing the impact

The pandemic has accelerated the push towards digitalisation in Spain on multiple fronts. This
trend has been particularly significant within the financial arena, with Spaniards increasing
reliance on online banking and payments methods, as well as their interest in crypto-assets, while at the same time taking into account the growing importance of related security measures.

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Think tank dedicado a la investigación económica y social

C/ Caballero de Gracia, 28 | 28013 Madrid, España
+34 91 596 57 18 |