Maudos, Joaquín


Allocation of NGEU funds in Spain: Companies and sectors

As of December 2022, Spain was not even at the halfway mark as regards allocation of the non-reimbursable component of funds awarded under Next Generation EU (NGEU), as tenders and grants (35.83 billion euros), reached 43.7% of the total assigned to Spain by this point. Given that Spain has until August 2026 to implement the funds, the country will need to accelerate implementation, all the more so considering the additional funds awarded under the June 2023 Addendum.

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¿A qué empresas y sectores están llegando los fondos NGEU?

El objetivo de este artículo es cuantificar los fondos NGEU que de facto han llegado a la economía real (es decir, convocados y resueltos en licitaciones y subvenciones), delimitar los que han llegado al tejido empresarial y, en este último caso, conocer la distribución según el tamaño de las empresas y su rama de actividad.

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Tightening bank financing terms and conditions: Current situation and implications

Increasing interest rates across the eurozone are restricting access to bank loans, while at the same time leaving households and businesses with outstanding credit in a more vulnerable position. Fortunately, in the case of Spain, both businesses and households are in a stronger position to face these challenges given the significant private sector deleveraging effort that has taken place in the wake of the previous financial crisis.

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