Maudos, Joaquín


Spain’s private sector debt service ratio: An international comparison

The rate tightening embarked on by the ECB in mid-2022 has had a negative impact on debt sustainability for both Spanish corporations and households; however, the ultra-low rate environment until 2022, together with ongoing private sector deleveraging, offset the spike in interest rates such that debt service costs did not increase in 2023. As a result, last year, debt service for both Spanish corporations and households, at 34.7% of gross operating surplus and 5.6% of gross disposable income, respectively, remained low relative to international standards.

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Intangible assets and competitiveness of Spain’s manufacturing industry: An international comparison

The intensity of the Spanish manufacturing sector’s investment in intangible assets is practically half of the European average and this gap has widened since the financial crisis. For the Spanish manufacturing industry to gain competitiveness at the international level, it must commit strongly to digitalisation, which requires closing the gap in investment intensity in intangibles relative to its competitors.

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