Fernández, María Jesús

Spain’s household and corporate accounts: Two years after the pandemic

Although the recovery in Spanish GDP was somewhat less intense than initially expected
in 2021, the recovery in employment was noteworthy and stronger than anticipated. Against
that backdrop, two years after the onset of the pandemic, the financial health of Spain’s
households remains solid, whereas that of the corporate sector has somewhat deteriorated.

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Las cuentas de los hogares y las empresas tras dos años de pandemia

Tras dos años de pandemia, los balances de los hogares conservan una gran solidez, gracias a la contribución del sector público en salarios y prestaciones, mientras que los de las empresas no se han recuperado del deterioro sufrido, especialmente en algunos de los sectores más castigados por la crisis.

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The conflict in Ukraine and the Spanish economy

The invasion of Ukraine is adding upward pressure to energy markets, which were already the main obstacle to Spain’s recovery before the conflict. The precise effects of the crisis will depend on its scale and duration, but already the projections are for markedly higher inflation, significant cuts in consumer purchasing power and lower economic growt.

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