Berges, Ángel


TLTRO and bank liquidity in the new rate scenario

The ECB´s targeted longer-term refinancing operations, or TLTROs, were designed to be one of the key mechanisms to keep credit flowing through the banking system to the real economy during the crisis. Beyond the negative impact on banks´ earnings of recent changes to TLTRO terms in order to better align them with other monetary policy instruments, the European and Spanish banking systems have sufficient liquidity to handle the maturity or prepayment of their TLTRO funds, as well as to meet anticipated credit growth next year, thanks to their excess reserves, evolution of retail deposits and funds, and planned bond market issuance.

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Translating EURIBOR increases into improved banking margins: Differential timing on asset and liability repricing

After more than five years of abnormally low, even negative, interest rate levels in the case of the 12-month EURIBOR, the fact that rates have turned positive and look likely to stay there on a structural basis foreshadows a clearcut improvement in the banking sector’s net interest income. Irrespective of the clearly positive impact of the new rate scenario for the banks’, the transition will not be linear and before margins increase, they will likely dip.

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Del euríbor al margen de intermediación en dos etapas: diferente repreciación de activos y pasivos

El tipo de interés más relevante para el negocio bancario minorista, el euríbor, especialmente el referido a doce meses, ha permanecido en terreno negativo durante más de un lustro, ejerciendo una fuerte presión a la baja sobre los márgenes de intermediación, “encorsetados” entre unos activos cuya rentabilidad no paraba de bajar y unos depósitos a los que era prácticamente imposible aplicar tipos negativos, salvo en el caso de los mayoristas vinculados al euríbor.

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