Torres, Raymond

Is the ECB getting it right?

After Christine Lagarde announced a few days ago a substantial increase in interest rates (0,5%) and an anti-fragmentation mechanism - so called TPI - to prevent another debt crisis, we've asked Raymond Torres, Funcas Europe Director, to explain the main drivers behind this important decision. Don't miss our latest podcast.

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Spanish economic forecasts for 2022-2023

Despite a weak start to the year and headwinds from high energy prices and double-digit inflation, Spain's prospects for the next few months remain favourable. However, after the end of the tourism season, the loss of consumers´ purchasing power along with more restrictive financial conditions and geopolitical risks mean growth is expected to slow considerably from the end of 2022.

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Are we safe from another housing market crash?

As economic prospects deteriorate sharply, there are questions about what will happen to the real estate sector and the housing market. Are we safe from the bubble burst nightmare days that we suffered during the global financial crisis a little over a decade ago?

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How to deal with stagflation

Back in the 70s developed economies were particularly hit by rising prices and low economic growth. There were two oil crises, currency turmoil and rising unemployment. Inflation reached 15% in the US in 1980.

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