

Focus on Spanish Society. September 2022

Focus on Spanish Society. September 2022

Fecha: septiembre 2022

Opinión pública, Salud, Formación online, Crisis económica, Problemas económicos

Section I. Spain in Europe

I.1. Self-perceived health in the midst of the pandemic: Income less relevant of a factor in Spain than in other European countries

The pandemic has not significantly affected Spanish people’s perception about their own health, though it has brought about a slight decrease in the percentage of people who consider their health "very good" or "good".

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Focus on Spanish Society. May 2022

Focus on Spanish Society. May 2022

Fecha: mayo 2022

Section I. Spain in Europe

I.1. Long-term declining marriage rates and the Covid blow

In 2020, Spain registered the lowest number of different-sex marriages since 1975: 87,481. The annual decrease (-46%) was more significant than in other European countries, like Germany (-10%), The Netherlands (-21%), Sweden (-22%) or France (-34%), but not very different from the decreases recorded in other Southern European countries (Italy: -47%;

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Think tank dedicado a la investigación económica y social

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+34 91 596 57 18 |
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