Xifré, Ramon


The evolution of Spain’s high-tech exports through 2023

Spain’s high-tech product export intensity ranked sixteenth in the EU-27 in 2022, which is a considerable improvement from its position between 2014 and 2018. Given the role played by the high-tech manufacturing industry in unlocking sustained competitiveness gains, strategies are needed to further improve Spain’s recent achievements in this area and to start to close the technology gap with other countries.

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Business dynamism in Spain in the wake of recent crises

Since its deregulation 50 years ago, the Spanish banking sector has been shaped by significant structural transformation as a result of the need to adapt to an ever-changing environment, to which it has demonstrated resilience and flexibility. On top of profitability pressures, the management of risks under the growing regulatory push to increase solvency, on the one hand, and technological challenges, on the other, remain the most important issues facing the Spanish banks in the years to come.

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El dinamismo empresarial después de las crisis recientes

Este artículo busca complementar el análisis en el plano macroeconómico con un análisis microeconómico de la demografía empresarial en España. El objetivo es poner el foco en la estructura demográfica empresarial en la que se organiza la actividad económica actual y que puede soportar su crecimiento más inmediato.

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Think tank dedicado a la investigación económica y social

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