Torres, Raymond

China's debt domino effect: Is the world economy at risk?

China's debt has been rising dramatically over the past decade. Some are arguing that this represents a risk for its own stability and that, ultimately, considering China's size, a bursting of the debt bubble could trigger a new episode of global financial stress.

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El acceso de los jóvenes a la vivienda

El objetivo de este trabajo es analizar la posición de los jóvenes ante el mercado inmobiliario en compa- ración con otros países de nuestro entorno, y examinar brevemente algunas iniciativas que podrían ayudar a mejorar la situación.

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Recession, Inflation, Stagflation? Insights from the ECB and fiscal policy dilemmas

Today we discuss EU-China economic relations, a critical topic. China is the EU's second-largest trading partner, and the EU is China's largest trading partner, highlighting the high degree of economic interdependence. However, this relationship poses significant challenges such us trade imbalances (to the detriment of the EU), emerging technological gaps, state subsidies and claims of unfair competition.

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