Manzano, Daniel


The resurgence of insurance products in Spain

In what looks to be the tail end of the monetary policy tightening cycle, the insurance business in Spain is staging spectacular growth in revenue (premiums), fuelled by life
insurance products. With rates now looking more likely to stay high for longer, momentum in these products is expected to continue; however, from a broader perspective, the sector is likely to suffer, particularly in the non-life business, from the economic slowdown and high costs of claims in the motor insurance segment.

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Importance and characteristics of the bancassurance business in Spain

The weight of bancassurance in Spain´s insurance business and its contribution to parent banks’ domestic earnings are very significant. As a result, as evidenced by the recent COVID-19 crisis, as well as in normal times, the relatively substantial contribution of the
bancassurance business lends earnings stability and solidity to the banks with the most developed such businesses.

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