González Broncano, Montaña

The effects of the pandemic and inflation crisis on Spanish corporates’ funding gap

Significant changes in the dynamics of the supply and demand for credit are disproportionately increasing the financing needs of Spanish SMEs and microenterprises, while increasing constraints for access to credit, thus notably widening their financing gap. Public financial instruments, both at the national and regional level, could serve as a key economic policy tool for lending financial support to the productive sector at a time of heightened uncertainty.

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Strong recovery in 2021 tax revenue: Contrasting with the previous crisis

The contraction in 2020 tax receipts as a result of the pandemic and the associated mobility and
business restrictions was mitigated by the government´s crisis response measures. In contrast
to the wake of the previous crisis of 2008, in the space of just one year, 2021 tax revenue
increased 15.1%, topping pre-pandemic levels- a trend that, under current assumptions, is
expected to continue into 2022, albeit at a slower pace.

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Recuperación de la recaudación tributaria en 2021: singularidad y contraste con la evolución tras la crisis precedente

La contracción de la recaudación de las principales figuras tributarias en 2020, motivada por la crisis sanitaria y las medidas ligadas a las restricciones de la actividad, pudo limitarse gracias al paquete de medidas aprobadas para mitigar el impacto de la crisis. En tan solo un año, se ha logrado recuperar una tasa positiva de crecimiento excepcional de un 15,1 %, que ha permitido superar incluso el nivel prepandemia.

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Think tank dedicado a la investigación económica y social

C/ Caballero de Gracia, 28 | 28013 Madrid, España
+34 91 596 57 18 | funcas@funcas.es
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