Olmo, Francisco del


Monetary policy and business lending: Impact on pricing

The recent reversal of the ECB´s unconventional monetary policy is already driving interest rates higher, raising the risk of triggering an increase in corporate bankruptcies, which would increase the private sector´s marginal cost of borrowing even further. As interest rate hikes have started around the world, global central banks will have to determine whether or not they chose to live with inflation, or risk adverse consequences for the economy.

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Política monetaria y crédito a empresas: impacto en el pricing

El objetivo de este artículo es analizar las medidas que se han implementado desde la crisis financiera de 2008 y de qué manera han influido en la economía real, poniendo el foco en cómo afectan a los procesos de fijación de los tipos de concesión (pricing) de crédito a empresas.

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Zombie firms: An analysis of business sector vulnerability post-COVID-19

Many companies that were not viable before the pandemic have survived thanks to financing and policy measures aimed at keeping money and credit flowing during the crisis. As support measures come to an end, these “zombie firms”, now exposed to increased borrowing costs on the back of upcoming rate hikes, may pose a risk to the global economy and financial sector.

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Think tank dedicado a la investigación económica y social

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+34 91 596 57 18 | funcas@funcas.es
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