Tres aproximaciones a la desigualdad social en España: rentas disponibles, rentas ampliadas y ocupaciones
Estudios de la Fundación, 100
Estudios de la Fundación, 100
While the indexation of contributory pensions constitutes the main driver of Social Security expenditure growth in 2023, an increase in the number of pensioners as well as growth in average pensions could prompt a greater than budgeted expenditure outlay. Although
the budgetary deficit for 2023 will yet again be covered by state lending, the size of the
contributory shortfall could reach 1.8% of GDP.
Tras años de descenso —coincidiendo con la recuperación posterior a la Gran Recesión— la desigualdad volvió a crecer en España en 2020 como consecuencia de la crisis provocada por la pandemia.
Social protection measures rolled out by the government during the COVID-19 crisis strongly mitigated the negative effect of the pandemic on lower income households. However, public transfers were not enough to fully neutralize the increase in inequality in Spain, which must be attributed to more structural factors.