Sports Participation and Sport Public Policies in Spain

Sports Participation and Sport Public Policies in Spain

Fecha: abril 2019

Fernando Lera López, María José Suárez Fernández

Economía del deporte, Deporte, Gastos públicos, Políticas públicas, Práctica deportiva

Sports (and) Economics

EN: The purpose of this article is to provide an overview of the recent evolution of sports participation and associated variables in Spain, as well as of public policies developed in the sphere of sport. The article is structured into three parts: First, a descriptive analysis of the evolution of sporting habits in Spain over the past few decades is carried out. Secondly, a review of the economic literature on factors associated with the sports participation of Spanish population is provided. Moreover, an econometric analysis of regular sports participation probabilities is also carried out on the basis of the last four Surveys of Sporting Habits from years 2000, 2005, 2010 and 2015. Thus, changes in the relative importance of variables associated with sports participation may be identified. Thirdly, the structure of policies promoting sport in Spain is described, and recent evolution of public expenditure on sport reviewed, both generally at national scale and specifically according to the type of administration considered.

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