Implications of the EU-US TTIP: The largest bilateral trade agreement in history

Implications of the EU-US TTIP: The largest bilateral trade agreement in history

Fecha: octubre 2013

Autores: Verónica López Sabater, Álvaro Martín Enríquez

Etiquetas: Zona de Libre Comercio Transatlántica (TAFTA), Tratados comerciales

Spanish and International Economic & Financial Otlook, SEFO, V. 2 N.º 5

The EU and the US are involved in the most ambitious trade liberalization negotiations process ever witnessed. The road ahead will necessarily require surpassing existing difficulties in a number of relevant issues foreseen on the negotiators’ agendas. The effects of reaching a free trade agreement between today’s two main economic areas are significantly positive and are estimated, in the best case scenario, to generate close to 120 billion euros per year for the European Union. Ex ante assessments of the proposed agreement show that Spain will be one of the countries to obtain the greatest welfare gains from the bilateral partnership for which negotiations have just recently begun.

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