Determinants of travel mode choice in Europe: Results from a survey on routine mobility

Determinants of travel mode choice in Europe: Results from a survey on routine mobility

Fecha: abril 2020

Alessandro Silvestri, Sébastien Foudi, Ibon Galarraga

Modelo de elección, Movilidad urbana, Transporte

Papeles de Energía, N.º 9 (abril 2020)

Understanding the differences in travel behaviour across different countries underlined by trip and individual characteristics are paramount to develop effective policies to nudge a shift towards sustainable mobility. In this study we present a descriptive analysis of the results of a mobility household survey, collecting information on citizen travel behaviour, travel mode choices and the factors influencing them. The study involves five European countries: Hungary, Italy, Norway, Poland and Spain. Results describe how travel mode choice fluctuates with users’ heterogeneity and that different mobility transition policies receive different support from citizens. Instruments implying a direct financial cost are much less accepted than technologyand infrastructure-based policies. Support to policies such as road expansion is also observed. The transition in mobility should then have to deal with households’ beliefs to make them revise their travel behaviours. But the mobility transition is also closely linked to the city development and the distribution of workplace and grocery shopping in the city.

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