Alberni, Marta


Credit risk and provisions: Prudent management across the Spanish and European banks

Interestingly, the banks’ excellent earnings performance over the past two years, in both Spain and Europe, driven mainly by growth in net interest income on the back of high benchmark rates, has not had an adverse impact on asset quality. Within this context, it is worth singling out the prudent provisioning effort being made by the Spanish banks, and the European banks in general, so far this year, recognising considerably more provisions (overlays) than required under applicable accounting standards and banking regulations.

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Bank margins: Price, volume and composition effects - Spain in a European context

Two years since the start of the rate hiking cycle, various factors have shaped the trend in margins, with some clearly positive while others less favourable, raising doubts over the sustainability of current margins. A disaggregation of the rate, volume and funding reconfiguration effects helps to explain the incremental growth in the Spanish banks’ net interest margin relative to their European counterparts.

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