The inflation outlook in Spain

The inflation outlook in Spain

Fecha: mayo 2023

Raymond Torres


SEFO, Spanish and International Economic & Financial Outlook, V. 12 N.º 3 (May 2023)

Despite the volatility of the energy and food markets, as well as their vulnerability to global geopolitical tensions, these exogenous factors fuelling inflation in Spain since mid-2021 have started to wane. Assuming no major surprises on the geopolitical front, both energy and food prices will exert downward pressure on the CPI. That said, the disinflation process will be gradual, as core inflation –which remains elevated– is now determined by forces which are independent of the origin of the initial shock. Until recently, core inflation has been driven mainly by the dynamics of corporate profits. But we are now seeing some recovery in wages, thereby making for a slow disinflation outlook. Altogether, except in the unexpected advent of a recession or sharp correction in imported prices, it is unlikely that core inflation will return to its 2% target before the end of 2024. This, along with perceived risks of inflation expectations decoupling, makes it unlikely that we will see a return of expansionary monetary policy any time soon.

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