National Reform Program for 2013: Fiscal consolidation and stimulating growth
Fecha: mayo 2013
Autores: Sara Baliña, A.F.I.
Etiquetas: Programa Nacional de Reformas (PNR), Política económica
Spanish and International Economic & Financial Otlook, SEFO, V. 2 N.º 3
The Spanish government unveiled, within the framework of the Stability and Growth Program for 2013-2016, the National Reform Program for the current year. The main policy lines were mostly already known, as they were included in the previous version or they had been announced beforehand. Delays in the implementation of some reforms, such as those related to rationalizing the public administration, and the need to further develop the details of other policies already in force, such as public pensions or labor reform, mean that the key elements of the 2013 Program are an extension of those from last year.