Newsletter: Are we safe from another housing market crash?
Tuesday, 19 July 2022
Hello Future is blue readers,
As economic prospects deteriorate sharply, there are questions about what will happen to the real estate sector and the housing market. Are we safe from the bubble burst nightmare days that we suffered during the global financial crisis a little over a decade ago?
Our guest in our latest Future is blue podcast has a lengthy experience analyzing real estate and housing trends in Europe and beyond. In conversation with our host Carlos Carnicero Urabayen, Judit Montoriol Garriga, Lead economist at CaixaBank Research, is sharing with us some insights on what's coming next for a sector undergoing important transformations after Covid.
At the end you can see as usual some of the readings that are capturing our attention these days.
New podcast available!
Today's podcast episode with Judit Montoriol Garriga covers why housing prices have kept growing throughout the Covid crisis in most European countries and what to expect next as the sector will need to adapt to the uncertain current economic scenario.
As we expect the European Central Bank to take action on inflation in the next few days, following other central banks that have already increased interest rates, housing prices are likely going to moderate. That said, whether we see a soft landing or some major turbulences in the real estate sector, financial entities are in much better shape than a decade ago.
Don't miss our latest podcast where we touch on these issues and others such as what are the best policy options to ensure home affordability.
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What we are reading
A G7 energy tariff on Russia would be better than a price cap
A price cap on Russian oil would cut Russia’s income, but a tariff would help governments support households and businesses dealing with high energy prices.
Europe can eliminate reliance on natural gas
Worth taking a look at this Twitter thread by Jesse Jenkins.
How rate increases could impact debt ratios in the euro area’s most-indebted countries
Debt-to-GDP ratios should continue to fall in euro-area countries despite rising interest rates, post 2023 the situation might vary across countries.
How has COVID-19 reshaped the way Americans want to work?
Interesting report with figures showing how much work expectations have changed after Covid. Nearly 90% of people would choose flexible working but just over half of Americans have the opportunity to work from home at least one day a week.
Have a nice rest of the week.
Raymond Torres
Funcas Europe Director