Blasco, Ignacio


Pandemia y comportamiento del seguro en España

En el presente artículo se realiza un balance de cómo se ha visto impactado el sector del seguro, una vez que se dispone de datos internacionales globales y homogéneos para 2020, y que ya han sido publicados avances sobre su actividad en España del primer semestre de 2021.

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The pandemic and its impact on the insurance business in Spain

The impact of the pandemic on the insurance industry was significant, if uneven, across
both geographies and business lines. While the industry is showing signs of recovery,
forecasts are predicated on the normalisation of claims and the continuation of financial
market stability.

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Spain’s budget for 2022: An assessment

Spain’s state budget for 2022 includes forecasts that appear markedly optimistic in comparison to other institutions’ estimates. Despite this, an increase in structural spending
is likely, which casts doubt on the government’s ability to meet its deficit reduction targets.

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