The Triple Aim for the future of health care
Fecha: enero 2015
Núria Mas, Wendy Wisbaum
- List of Contributors
- Introduction and overview
- The “Triple Aim” for the future of healthcare
- Implementing The Triple Aim: A senior leadership perspective
- Better care and health: Incorporating opportunity cost into decision making
- Should we screen for type 2 diabetes?
- Integrating care for older people with complex medical problems
- Health system genetics and tentative appraisal of their effectiveness
- Payment systems to improve quality, efficiency, and care coordination for chronically iII patients — A framework and country examples
- The role of co-payments in public universal healthcare systems
- Supporting patient activation to achieve The Triple Aim
- Patient involvement: Patient participation in decision making
- The economics of interprofessional education: Costs and benefits
- An Exploratory Analysis of Wages and Job Stability for Long-Term Care Work in Europe