What to expect in the European economy in 2023

What to expect in the European economy in 2023

Monday, 23 January 2023

Funcas Europe

Hello Future is blue readers,

What to expect in Europe's economy in 2023? We can't think of a more pertinent question to restart our podcast series this season. And yet, how challenging it is to anticipate all that may critically shape events in Europe's economy over the next few months?

Had we asked a similar question back in January 2022, few could have anticipated up to what level events in Ukraine would impact the Western policymakers' agenda over the last months.

However, regardless of the unforeseen events that may come in 2023, we are certain that the topics we've discussed in this first podcast episode of the year with Raymond Torres, Funcas Europe Director, and our host Carlos Carnicero Urabayen will be very present in this year's agenda.

At the end of this newsletter you can see, as usual, some of the readings that have captured our attention in these first weeks of the new year.

New podcast episode available!

In our first podcast episode of the season, we cover the following key topics that will dominate the agenda in 2023:

  • How realistic is to see a third of the world economy entering into recession in 2023
  • What's the key forecast for Europe's economy in 2023
  • Whether or not inflation is irreversibly going down in the eurozone
  • The energy crisis, under control for now but far from over
  • The impact of the end of the zero Covid policy in China

Don't miss our latest podcast where we touch on these issues and more.

Access our new podcast!

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What we are reading

The cost of brexit

In this episode of the Centre for European Reform podcast Helmi Pillai interviews John Springford about his most recent cost of Brexit analysis.

Cheer up. Economic prospects for 2023 are better than you think
Forecasts for the year are bleak but the narratives we’re presented with have flaws, argues Chris Giles.

The impact of the Ukraine crisis on international trade
The direct aim of trade sanctions seems to have been achieved, while Russia’s capacity to finance the war from fossil fuel revenues is bound to shrink.

Global risks report 2023
Worthy read by the World Economic Forum on the key risks that will dominate the global agenda over the next few years.

Happy holidays and a happy new year

Raymond Torres
Funcas Europe Director


Think tank dedicado a la investigación económica y social

C/ Caballero de Gracia, 28 | 28013 Madrid, España
+34 91 596 57 18 | funcas@funcas.es
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