Juan José Ganuza

Juan José Ganuza

Juan-José Ganuza is Professor at the department of economics and business of the Universitat Pompeu Fabra and affiliated professor of the Barcelona GSE. Juan José Ganuza holds a bachelor’s degree in Physics by the Universidad Complutense de Madrid (1991) and a Ph. D. in Economics by University Carlos III de Madrid (1996). In 1997-98 he was a post doc at California Los Angeles University and Institut D'Economie Industrielle (Toulouse). In 1998 he joined the Universitat Pompeu Fabra, where he was promoted to Full Professor in 2009.

His main research interests are: i) auctions, procurement and mechanism design, ii) law and economics, iii) regulation and competition policy and iv) business strategy and innovation.

He has published in the main international economics journals in his research field (RAND Journal of Economics, International Journal of Industrial Organization, Journal of Industrial Economics, Journal of Economics Management and Strategy, etc) as well as in general interest economics journals (such as Econométrica), law journals (such as the Journal of Legal Studies), and business publications (such as Management Science). Finally, he has collaborated on several books related with procurement and regulatory issues, among them, The Handbook of Procurement (Cambridge University Press, 2006).

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Email: juanjo.ganuza@upf.edu


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