Santiago Lago Peñas

Santiago Lago Peñas

Full professor in the Department of Applied Economics at the Universidade de Vigo. Senior researcher at FUNCAS. Numerary member of the Spanish Royal Academy of Economic and Financial Sciences. Expert for the World Bank, the European Commission, the OECD, the Forum of Federations and the Assembly of European Regions. Member of the Committee of experts on Spanish fiscal federalism (2017) and the Committee of experts on the reform of the Spanish tax system (2021-2022). Director of the research group GEN.

Executive editor of Hacienda Pública Española / Review of Public Economics, Associate editor of e-publica, co-Director of RIFDE, Director of the Galician Economic Forum and Director of the Chairs on Regional Public Finances, Good Local Governance, and on Family Businesses at the Universidade de Vigo. Advisor for the Fundación Transforma España. Member of the board of directors of impulsa Galicia. A former Counselor of the Galician Socioeconomic Council (2003-2011). Currently, columnist of El País and Faro de Vigo and regular collaborator of Cadena SER.


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